Content Delivery Networks: A Guide to Understanding the Basics

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  27/12/2022

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Are you curious about what a Content Delivery Network is and how it can benefit your business?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed server system that delivers web content to users based on their geographic location. Because the content is served from a location closer to the user, it can be delivered faster.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of Content Delivery Networks and how they can help you reach your business goals. 

What is a content delivery network

What is a Content Delivery Network?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed server system that delivers web content to users based on their geographic location.

The CDN is designed to improve the performance and availability of web content by caching it on multiple servers worldwide.

This allows the content to be delivered to users faster and more reliably than if hosted on a single server.

A CDN routes user requests to the closest server with the requested content. This ensures the content is delivered as quickly as possible, reducing latency and improving user experience.

The CDN also provides redundancy, meaning that if one server goes down, the content can still be served from another.

CDNs deliver various content, including webpages, images, audio, video, and software. They can also be used to protect websites from malicious attacks by distributing the load across multiple servers.

This helps to prevent a single server from becoming overloaded and crashing.

CDNs are an essential part of the modern web, allowing content to be delivered quickly and reliably to users all over the world.

They are used by websites of all sizes, from small blogs to large e-commerce sites.

By using a CDN, websites can ensure that their content is delivered quickly and reliably, improving user experience and helping to drive more traffic and conversions.

Why is a Content Delivery Network important?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an important tool for any website or application that needs to deliver content quickly and reliably to a global audience.

CDNs are designed to improve the performance of web applications by caching content on servers located around the world.

This reduces the amount of time it takes for content to be delivered to users, resulting in faster page loading times and improved user experience.

CDNs are also important for providing security and protection for web applications.

By caching content on servers located around the world, CDNs can help protect against malicious attacks, such as DDoS attacks, by distributing the load across multiple servers.

This helps to ensure that the application remains available and secure, even in the event of a large-scale attack.

CDNs are also important for providing scalability for web applications.

By caching content on multiple servers, CDNs can help to ensure that the application can handle large amounts of traffic without any performance degradation.

This is especially important for applications that experience spikes in traffic, such as during peak times or when a new feature is released.

Finally, CDNs are important for providing cost savings for web applications. By caching content on multiple servers, CDNs can help reduce the bandwidth needed to deliver content.

This can help to reduce hosting costs, as well as the cost of delivering content to users.

In summary, CDNs are an important tool for any website or application that needs to deliver content quickly and reliably to a global audience. CDNs can help to improve performance, provide security and protection, provide scalability, and provide cost savings.

What is the history of Content Delivery Networks?

The history of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) dates back to the late 1990s when Akamai Technologies created the first CDN.

Akamai was founded in 1998 by MIT professor Danny Lewin and his colleagues, and their goal was to create a way to deliver content quickly and reliably over the internet.

Akamai’s CDN was the first of its kind and revolutionized how content was delivered online.

Since then, CDNs have become increasingly popular, and more companies have adopted them. In the early 2000s, CDNs began to deliver streaming media, such as video and audio, and large files.

This allowed for faster delivery of content and improved the user experience.

As the internet grew and became more widely used, CDNs became even more important.

Companies began to use CDNs to deliver webpages, images, and other types of content. This allowed for faster loading times and improved user experience.

Over the years, CDNs have evolved to become even more powerful. They now offer a variety of features, such as caching, load balancing, and security.

These features allow for faster delivery of content and improved performance.

Today, CDNs are used by many companies to deliver content quickly and reliably. They are an essential part of the internet infrastructure and are used by companies of all sizes.

CDNs have come a long way since they were first created and they continue to evolve and improve.

Important things about Content Delivery Networks

IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud is a suite of cloud computing services from IBM that offers both platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

IBM Cloud is used to build, run, and manage applications and services in the cloud. It provides a range of services, including storage, analytics, databases, networking, and more.

IBM Cloud also includes a content delivery network (CDN) that can be used to deliver content to users around the world.

The CDN is powered by IBM’s global network of data centers and is designed to deliver content quickly and securely.


Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a range of services, including storage, analytics, databases, networking, and more.

Azure also includes a content delivery network (CDN) that can be used to deliver content to users around the world.

The CDN is powered by Microsoft’s global network of data centers and is designed to deliver content quickly and securely.

Azure CDN is designed to be highly reliable and secure, and it supports a wide range of protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more.


Cloudflare is a cloud-based service that provides a range of services, including content delivery, DNS, and security.

Cloudflare’s content delivery network (CDN) is designed to deliver content quickly and securely to users around the world.

The CDN is powered by Cloudflare’s global network of data centers and is designed to deliver content quickly and securely.

Cloudflare also offers a range of security features, such as DDoS protection, WAF, and more.


A cache is a type of memory that temporarily stores data so it can be quickly retrieved when needed.

Caches are used in many areas, including web browsers, operating systems, and content delivery networks (CDNs). CDNs use caches to store content to quickly retrieve it when needed.

Caches can also be used to reduce the amount of data that needs to be sent over the network, which can improve performance.

Compare Content Delivery Network

Content Delivery Network (CDN) vs Load Balancer

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed server system that delivers web content to users based on their geographic location. The CDN stores copies of web content on multiple servers around the world, allowing users to access the content from the closest server. A load balancer is a device that distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. It enables multiple servers to act as one, so that the load is balanced across all servers.

The primary difference between a CDN and a load balancer is that a CDN is used to deliver content to users, while a load balancer is used to distribute traffic across multiple servers. A CDN is designed to optimize the delivery of web content, such as images, videos, and other static content, to users based on their geographic location. A load balancer is designed to ensure that requests are evenly distributed across multiple servers, so that no single server is overloaded.

CDNs also use load balancing to distribute traffic across multiple servers. This helps to ensure that the content is delivered quickly and reliably, even during periods of high traffic. Load balancing also helps to ensure that the content is delivered from the closest server, which helps to reduce latency and improve performance.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) vs Edge Computing

Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Edge Computing are two different technologies that are used to deliver content to users. A CDN is a system of distributed servers that deliver web content to users based on their geographic location. The CDN stores copies of web content on multiple servers around the world, allowing users to access the content from the closest server. Edge Computing is a distributed computing model that processes data at the edge of the network, near the source of the data.

The primary difference between a CDN and Edge Computing is that a CDN is used to deliver content to users, while Edge Computing is used to process data at the edge of the network. A CDN is designed to optimize the delivery of web content, such as images, videos, and other static content, to users based on their geographic location. Edge Computing is designed to process data near the source of the data, allowing for faster processing and reduced latency.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) use edge caching to store content closer to the user. Edge caching is a process of storing content on servers located at the edge of the network, closer to the user.

This helps to reduce latency and improve performance by reducing the distance the content must travel. Edge caching also helps to reduce the load on the origin server, which can help to improve scalability.

FAQ about Content Delivery Network

Types of Content Delivery Networks

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are a type of distributed network that delivers content to users from multiple servers located in different geographic locations. There are three main types of CDNs: Traditional CDNs, Peer-to-Peer CDNs, and Cloud CDNs. 

Traditional CDNs are the most common type of CDN. They are typically used to deliver static content such as images, videos, and audio files.

These CDNs are typically owned and operated by large companies such as Akamai and Limelight.

Traditional CDNs use a network of servers located in different geographic locations to deliver content to users. 

Peer-to-Peer CDNs are a type of CDN that uses a network of computers connected to the internet to deliver content.

This type of CDN is typically used to deliver streaming media such as video and audio. The computers in the network are connected to each other and share the content with each other. 

Cloud CDNs are a type of CDN that is hosted in the cloud. These CDNs are typically used to deliver dynamic content such as web applications and websites.

Cloud CDNs are typically used by companies that need to deliver content to a large number of users quickly and reliably. 

What is a Content Delivery Network in Cloud?

A Content Delivery Network in the cloud (CDN) is a type of distributed network that delivers content to users from multiple servers located in different geographic locations.

Cloud CDNs are typically used to deliver dynamic content such as web applications and websites.

Cloud CDNs are typically used by companies that need to deliver content to a large number of users quickly and reliably. 

Cloud CDNs are hosted in the cloud, meaning that the content is stored and served from cloud-based servers.

This allows for more flexibility and scalability as the content can be delivered from multiple servers located in different geographic locations.

Cloud CDNs also provide better performance and reliability as the content is served from multiple servers, which reduces the risk of downtime. 

Is Netflix a Content Delivery Network?

No, Netflix itself is not a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Netflix is an online streaming service that provides users with access to movies, TV shows, and other video content. Netflix does use CDN technology to serve videos to viewers called Netflix Open Connect.

Is Facebook a Content Delivery Network?

No, Facebook itself is not a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Facebook is a social media platform that allows users to share photos, videos, and other content with their friends and family. Facebook does use their own CDN to serve photos and videos to viewers called Facebook Content Distribution Network (FBCDN).


In conclusion, a Content Delivery Network is a distributed server system that delivers web content to a user based on their geographic location.

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Joost Nusselder is The Content Decoder, a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new tools en tactics. He's been working on a portfolio of niche sites since 2010. Now since 2016 he creates in-depth blog articles together with his team to help loyal readers earn from their own succesful sites.